Submitted by Ron on 31 August, 2009 - 15:55
Yesterday I looked out towards Vicky's area, and I saw her immediately drop from her nest and fly towards me. This is the first time this year she has used her nest. (She didn't build this one, she got it in a trade with a crow two years ago, so it is really tough and strong.)
Submitted by Gitie on 14 August, 2009 - 16:22
Bertie (below), the new male magpie has successfully won Vicky's heart.

He is a big strong male with plumage patterns that are distincltly different from Maggie, but like Maggie he has a beautiful voice.
Submitted by Ron on 6 August, 2009 - 13:48
I told you about the male magpie Richie, who has been wooing Vicky since Maggie's passing. Well Tuesday morning, four birds (instead of three) landed to say hello to us. Vicky and her adult kids Mindy and Monty were there, as was a large handsome male magpie, all four loudly carolling out their territorial ownership. Who was the new male magpie?
Submitted by Ron on 13 July, 2009 - 17:08
Vicky's suitor, whom we are calling Ritchie, suffered the embarrassments I told you about last time, but it seems he hasn't been entirely crushed by it all. He's back again now trying his best to woo and win Vicky's heart.
Submitted by Ron on 27 June, 2009 - 12:02
Last week there was a new, nervous young male magpie paying us a visit. He was doing his best to show us he was brave and intelligent, and he came right up to our glass back door, and when we went outside, he would hold his ground and try to show how he was not going to be frightened, but equally he wanted to say hello and get to know the humans.