Vicky and Bertie - Magpie Romance
Bertie (below), the new male magpie has successfully won Vicky's heart.
He is a big strong male with plumage patterns that are distincltly different from Maggie, but like Maggie he has a beautiful voice.
Bertie's had to prove himself to Vicky's kids Monty and Mindy (now almost 2 yrs old) who have stayed behind to give Vicky company, by helping them defend their boundaries and the family have been showing off their new member with their singing prowess to all the neighbours in the valley.
Mindy is delighted with her mother's choice, but Monty has been harder to please. So Bertie has been trying to convince Monty that he is has their best interest at heart. In the meantime Richie hasn't given up and is still making advances, perhaps he wants win Mindy's favour. Bertie has been helping Vicky chase Richie's gang away and so gaining Monty's approval.
We're delighted that Vicky (above front) has found a nice mate in Bertie (above back) and its lovely to see the two potter around our yard with the other birds. The smaller in the pictures are pied-butcherbirds from Teddy-Toms family.
Bertie knows that Vicky is the Queen of the territory and he is the Prince consort. Vicky's nest (the one she bartered with the crow) has been kept in excellent condition for the new season. We eagerly await the sound little cheeps.