A Lone Babbler - Sole Traveller or Seeking New Mates?
What is a sweet, cute looking babbler doing, all by herself or himself?
Babblers always move in close knit family groups, barely straying from each other. Ron was quite surprised to find this young bird perched in the tree, with no sign of any of his clan members around. The bird seemed quite happy, not scared, even hopped down for a bit and was friendly enough to be photograpahed. Certainly the bird seemed to know us.
Babblers turn to magpies for protection from the hawks, but this one didn't seem to be hiding or acting fearful. Given the usual busy-ness of babblers, it was quite unusual to find a single bird, unaccompanied for so long.
Perhaps she/he was leaving home, looking for a new clan to join or seeking a mate. We didn't see the bird again, so she must have continued on her way. It is quite interesting to observe that even what appears to us to be highly nervous, vulnerable birds, are quite self-assured in their own life journey.
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